The WSMA is governed by a House of Delegates comprising elected
delegates from each county medical society, qualified state specialty
societies, and members of the WSMA board of trustees. There is one young physician delegate, one resident delegate, and three student delegates (one from each of the three medical schools in Washington state). Each county society has one delegate for every 50 members of the county society who are active or active limited WSMA members.
Each medical specialty society is entitled to elect or appoint one
delegate and one alternate, provided that such specialty society has
as members at least 100 active members of the WSMA, or if the
specialty society has fewer than 100 members, 50% of its members must
belong to the WSMA.
Delegates are expected to be available for one year of service from
the beginning of the House of Delegates meeting until the House of
Delegates meeting the following year. Delegates shall be available to
provide input and information and guidance to the WSMA’s board of
trustees and executive committee as they administer and interpret
policy set by the House of Delegates, and as they make policy
decisions when the House of Delegates is not in session.
All legislative power of the WSMA—including the power to alter,
amend, or repeal the bylaws—is vested in the House of Delegates.
All business of the House of Delegates is conducted according to parliamentary
procedures as outlined in "The Standard Code of Parliamentary
Procedure." The speaker of the House serves as parliamentarian. The
speaker of the House is Matthew Grierson, MD, of Seattle. The vice
speaker of the House is Ray Hsiao, MD, of Seattle.
Policymaking at the meeting is primarily driven by resolutions. A
resolution is a proposal asking the WSMA to take a position or act on
an issue.
Learn more about resolutions and how they help create and guide WSMA
How the House of Delegates operates
The House convenes its opening session on Saturday morning of the WSMA
Annual Meeting. At this time, guests are invited to speak to the
delegates and all reports and resolutions are referred to reference
committees. This is followed by meetings of the reference committees
on Saturday.
The House holds a second session on Sunday morning. The reference
committees present their reports for consideration by the House on
Learn more about the House of Delegates.
Learn more about delegate duties.