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The voices of individual physicians and physician assistants are crucial in informing the decisions made at the state and federal levels.

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The expertise, experience, and perspective of physicians and physician assistants practicing in Washington is crucial to helping to inform our advocacy on your behalf. And, it's often crucial in helping to inform legislators' decision-making on policy being debated at the state and federal levels.

Promote Access to Care by Passing the Medicaid Access Program

During the 2025 legislative session currently underway in Olympia, Washington lawmakers will consider House Bill 1392 and Senate Bill 5372—the WSMA-supported Medicaid Access Program, a much-needed proposal to draw down federal dollars and increase Medicaid reimbursement rates across the board for all physicians in all settings to at least the equivalents paid by Medicare. 

This is urgent and the time for action is now.

The Medicaid Access Program is intended to be fiscally neutral to the state and will allow more Medicaid patients to get the care they need by bringing approximately $400 million annually in federal funds to Washington state. The WSMA and affiliated groups have spent the past year working with state agencies, lawmakers, and other stakeholders to address the concerns we heard during the 2024 session, with a goal of passage during the 2025 legislative session. HB 1392 and SB 5372 reflect that collaborative effort. Now, it’s time that we support patients with meaningful access to the care they deserve.

Urge your legislators in the House and Senate to support the Medicaid patients in your area with equivalent access to health care services as those with private insurance by passing the Medicaid Access Program in HB 1392 and SB 5372. 

Click on the button below to locate your legislators and their contact information and send your message. For more information on how you can support the Medicaid Access Program, visit our campaign website.

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Urgent Action Needed on Medicare Sustainability: Tell Your Representative to Cosponsor H.R. 879

On Jan. 31, Reps. Greg Murphy, MD (R-NC) and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), along with a bipartisan group of legislators including our own Kim Schrier, MD (D-WA), re-introduced the "Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act" (H.R. 879). This legislation, if passed, would, effective April 1, prospectively cancel the 2.83% payment cut that went into effect on Jan. 1, while also providing a 2% payment update, helping to stabilize physician practices and protect patients' access to care.

The clock is ticking – the "continuing resolution" passed late last year is set to expire on March 14. Including H.R. 879 in the next spending package is the top priority!

The WSMA has reached out to members of Washington’s congressional delegation urging that they cosponsor H.R. 879. Please act today and add your voice to ours.

Contact your representative today and urge them to cosponsor the Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act (H.R. 879)! For a list of cosponsors to date, check the bill’s page.

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