Who We Are
More than 12,000 members strong, the Washington State Medical Association
is the largest physician professional association in Washington,
representing physicians, residents, medical students, and physician
assistants from most specialties and practice settings throughout
the state. The WSMA is the only professional organization in Washington
that represents the interests and priorities of all physicians in the
Our vision: To make Washington the best place to practice
medicine and receive care. Our mission: Provide strong
physician leadership and advocacy to shape the future of medicine and
advance quality care for all Washingtonians.
Our value proposition for members: The WSMA, at its
heart, is a physician-driven organization. We believe physician
leadership is paramount to good health care policy and patient care. We
work to support our members and their teams so that they can thrive
professionally and be a strong voice for safe, quality, equitable care.
The WSMA is part of a federation of county and state medical societies and
the American Medical Association.