WSMA Foundation
About the Foundation
The WSMA Foundation for Health Care Improvement is a not-for-profit
501(c)(3) organization, living out a vision to make Washington the best
place to receive care and to practice medicine.
About the Foundation
Give to the Foundation
Make an investment in yourself, your peers, and your profession by
donating to the WSMA Foundation.
Give to the Foundation
Foundation Board of Directors
Meet the board of directors and staff that govern and operate the WSMA
Foundation for Health Care Improvement.
Foundation Board of Directors
Health Equity
Caring for others means providing equitable care for all.
Health Equity
Health Equity in Medicine Podcast
Free member benefit meets state requirement for health equity CME.
Nonmember pricing available.
Health Equity in Medicine Podcast
Health Equity M&M Webinar Series
Providing a framework for recognizing and examining our own biases.
Health Equity M&M Webinar Series
Leadership Development and Action Collective
Guidance for those positioned to facilitate change in their organizations.
Leadership Development and Action Collective
Inclusive Language and Health Equity Resources
Resources for medical professionals to learn about building trust with
their patients.
Inclusive Language and Health Equity Resources
Scholarship and Diversity Advancement Fund
An endowment to build a more diverse physician population.
Scholarship and Diversity Advancement Fund
On-Demand Webinars
Catch up on our health equity webinars to date.
On-Demand Webinars
Caring for Your LGBTQ+ Patients
Providing comprehensive and culturally competent care for the LGBTQ+
Caring for Your LGBTQ+ Patients
Caring for Your AAPI Patients
Caring for, and advocating for, Asian American and Pacific Islander
Caring for Your AAPI Patients
Holding Your Own Health Equity M&M
Foster conversations among your peers within your practice or
Holding Your Own Health Equity M&M
DEI Committee
Incorporating a diversity, inclusion, and equity lens to everything we do.
DEI Committee
Physician and Practitioner Wellness
Thriving in Medicine Wellness Report
A guide to start or renew processes to allow physicians and practitioners
to thrive.
Thriving in Medicine Wellness Report
Physician and Practitioner Wellness Webinar Series
Take meaningful action to reduce burnout and improve professional
Physician and Practitioner Wellness Webinar Series
Wellness Resources
Enhance physician and clinician health by reducing stress and increasing
physician satisfaction.
Wellness Resources
Crisis Intervention and Prevention
Physician-focused help and resources available in times of need.
Crisis Intervention and Prevention