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Crisis Intervention and Prevention

Crisis Intervention and Prevention

As most WSMA members are too sadly aware, physicians, who devote their lives to easing others' suffering, die by their own hands at higher rates than the general population. The WSMA offers the following reminder to its members that physician-focused help and resources are available to them and their colleagues in times of need.

Washington Physicians Health Program

The WSMA encourages members to contact the Washington Physicians Health Program at 800.552.7236 or 206.583.0127 if you or someone you know is in distress and needs personal assistance. All calls are confidential. While participating in the WPHP program, practitioners may continue to practice without being exposed to disciplinary action by their medical staff or state medical board as long as they do not become disruptive or threaten to compromise patient care. Visit to learn more about the program and its role in helping physicians.

Vital Signs

To help raise greater awareness about the physician suicide epidemic and to provide physicians the tools to attend to their own well-being, the Physicians Foundation has launched Vital Signs, a new educational campaign. Vital Signs features a webpage to help understand the warning signs to look for in someone who may be suicidal and provides a guide to help start a conversation with a physician about whom a colleague may be concerned. Learn more.

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