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physicians standing on steps of capitol
Reach Washington state's physician community via the largest and most trusted medical association in the state.

Advertise with WSMA

Advance your career in medicine, recruit skilled clinicians for your organization, or promote your product or service. Establish your brand within the medical community and beyond. We can help.

Advertise with WSMA and reach your target audience

Advertising with the WSMA is an effective way to reach Washington physicians and physician assistants via the largest and most trusted physician professional association in the state. But that's not all—you'll reach and influence health care decision-makers and more with your brand and message. And as a WSMA advertiser, your organization demonstrates its commitment to, and connection with, the Washington state medical community.

How to place your ad

Review the information below or download WSMA's Advertising Media Kit for opportunities, deadlines, and submission requirements. If you have questions or need assistance, contact Milana McLead at 206.956.3629 or

Digital Display Advertising

The WSMA is pleased to offer the following opportunities to advertise digitally.

Advocacy Report + Membership Memo (3 insertions monthly)

  • Advocacy Report is emailed twice monthly (1st and 3rd Fridays) + Membership Memo is emailed once monthly (2nd Friday). Features advocacy insights, insider industry news and commentary on issues relevant to WA physicians and physician assistants. Emailed to 9k+ members, other medical association influencers, leaders and stakeholders.
  • File type: JPG or PNG preferred. No Flash or SVG files.
  • Resolution: 72 dpi; file size limit is 700 KB
  • Size: 600 px wide x 77px high.
  • Link: URL to which your ad will link must accompany your digital ad.
  • Filename: Include the advertiser’s name.
  • Payment: Payment must be received prior to publication of the ad.
  • Deadline: Digital ad and monthly payments are due prior to desired publication date.
No. of months:
$600 per mo
$560 per mo
$525 per mo

Prices are per month. Rates are net.

Digital banner ad on

  • The official WSMA website ( delivers a high-quality customer base and receives 100k visits per year.
No. of months:
$775 per mo
$600 per mo
$525 per mo

Prices are per month. Rates are net.

Digital file specs for online display ads

  • File type: GIF, JPG or PNG (no Flash or SVG files, please)
  • Resolution: 72 dpi; file size limit is 700 KB
  • Size: 250 px wide x 250 px high (note that this size will be optimized across all devices)
  • Link: URL to which your ad will link must accompany your digital ad.
  • Filename: Include the advertiser’s name.
  • Payment: Payment must be received prior to publication of the ad.
  • Deadline: Digital ad and monthly payments are due prior to desired publication date.

How to place your ad

To advertise, contact Milana McLead at 206.956.3629 or Ads must be received by the first of the week prior to publication. The Membership Memo is published the 2nd and 4th week of each month. Advertisers may cancel orders up to two weeks prior to the Membership Memo publication date. Display ads are placed on a variety of the most popular pages on Payment is required prior to ad placement. We accept check, Visa or MasterCard.

Advertising is subject to space availability. WSMA reserves the right to approve all advertising.

Print Display Advertising

Flagship publication of WSMA, 24+ page magazine, published six times a year, mailed to approximately 9k members.

Print display ad sizes

Full-page: 8.5" wide by 11" high plus .125 on all sides for bleed (image area should be within 8” x 10.5”).
Back cover: 8.5" wide by 9" high plus .125 on three sides (left, right, bottom) for bleed (image area should be within 8” x 8.5”).
1/2H: 7" wide by 4-5/8" high (no bleed)

Specs for printed display ads

File type: PDF-X-1a preferred; fonts & images embedded (no native files). Scanned images high resolution (300 dpi) and CMYK or grayscale (no spot colors, RGB, LAB or ICC color profiles).


    Premium placement
Inside front cover/back cover
  Full page   1/2 page
One time run   $1875   $1600   $1050
Three times/cost per issue   $1700   $1450   $975
Six times/cost per issue   $1625   $1375   $900

NOTE: Prices are per insertion per issue. Also, all rates are net. Agencies placing advertising should add their commission when billing their client, the advertiser.

How to place your ad

Ads may be sent as an email attachment to Milana McLead at See deadlines below. Cancellations must be received by the closing date (the 5th day of the month preceding the month of publication). Advertisers are asked to pay in full prior to publication. Advertising is subject to space availability. WSMA reserves the right to approve all advertising. If you have questions, contact Milana at 206.956.3629 or


Jan/Feb. Issue: Ad commitments due Oct. 28; payment & artwork due Nov. 15

March/April Issue: Ad commitments due Dec. 28; payment & artwork due Jan. 15

May/June Issue: Ad commitments due Feb. 28; payment & artwork due March 15

July/Aug Issue: Ad commitments due April 28; payment & artwork due May 15

Sept/Oct Issue: Ad commitments due June 28; payment & artwork due July 15

Nov/Dec Issue: Ad commitments due Aug 28; payment & artwork due Sept 15

Career Center Advertising

The WSMA Career Center is designed with physicians and medical professionals in mind. Our new site connects you with physicians, physician assistants, clinic administrators, and the public.

Looking for a job? Us the WSMA Career Center to take your career to the next level and find new employment opportunities.

Looking for qualified candidates? Use the WSMA Career Center to recruit qualified Washington physicians and health care professionals across all specialties.

How to place your ad

Access the WSMA Career Center

NOTE: The WSMA Career Center is provided through a contracted third-party service for informational purposes to inform physicians about potential job opportunities with health care employers. Use of this website is at the user’s own risk. The WSMA does not control the content on the website, and the provision of this information does not constitute a sponsorship or endorsement of any third party.

Join or renew your membership today!