new-cme-program-transcending-clinical-excellence-mastering-emotional-intelligence | New CME Program: Transcending Clinical Excellence: Mastering Emotional Intelligence | Early career | Shared_Content/News/Membership_Memo/2024/september-13/new-cme-program-transcending-clinical-excellence-mastering-emotional-intelligence | <div class="col-md-12">
<div class="col-sm-5 pull-right" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/Newsletters/MembershipMemo/2024/september/eqi-course-graphic-645x425px.png" class="pull-right" alt="Transcending Clinical Excellence: Mastering Emotional Intelligence course graphic" /></div>
<h5>Sept. 13, 2024</h5>
<h2>New CME Program: Transcending Clinical Excellence: Mastering Emotional Intelligence</h2>
<p>Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and interpersonal growth with a new CME course from the WSMA Foundation, Transcending Clinical Excellence: Mastering Emotional Intelligence. Whether you're seeking to enhance your leadership abilities, strengthen your clinical relationships, or simply enrich your personal life, this course offers a comprehensive toolkit for unlocking the power of emotional intelligence and fostering stronger connections with those around you.</p>
<h3>The course in brief</h3>
<p>Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, you'll cultivate the skills essential for fostering meaningful connections and resolving conflicts in the workplace empathetically. This course is longitudinal (your progress will be measured over time), and multimodal (the course features different methods of learning), giving learners multiple touchpoints on different aspects of emotional intelligence and allowing for deep understanding and opportunities to apply skills in practice.</p>
<h3>Who this course is for</h3>
<p>This course is available to WSMA member and nonmember physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and all other clinicians looking to increase their emotional intelligence (with a discount available for members). Whether you are already a leader or considering a leadership role, you can benefit from this course.</p>
<h3>Course details</h3>
<p>Beginning Friday, Jan. 31, sessions will be held virtually every Friday from noon-2 p.m. through March 21 (skipping Feb. 21 for midwinter break), with a final in-person session at the WSMA Seattle office on March 28.</p>
<p>This course is led by Nina Willow, MD, and Amy Mohelnitzky, PA-C. Dr. Willow is a family physician who coaches health care professionals at all levels on enhancing patient satisfaction, clinical efficiency, and physician well-being. PA Mohelnitzky leads the Clinician-Patient Communication Program at Kaiser Permanente Washington.</p>
<p><a href="[@]wsma/foundation/physician-wellness/mastering-emotional-intelligence/wsma/foundation/physician-wellness/transcending-clinical-excellence-mastering-emotional-intelligence.aspx?hkey=d9d3ac56-9fc3-44da-93ed-8d253a568a35&amp;_zs=lfaFd1&amp;_zl=F1cn9">Register for the course online</a>. This activity has been approved for <em>AMA PRA Category 1 Credit</em><sup>TM</sup>.</p>
</div> | 9/13/2024 12:00:00 AM | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
new-member-benefit-custom-contract-review-with-resolve | New Member Benefit: Custom Contract Review with Resolve | Early career | Shared_Content/News/Membership_Memo/2024/september-13/new-member-benefit-custom-contract-review-with-resolve | <div class="col-md-12">
<div class="col-sm-5 pull-right" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/Newsletters/MembershipMemo/2024/september/handshake-contract-illustration-645x425px.png" class="pull-right" alt="illustration of two people shaking hands" /></div>
<h5>Sept. 13, 2024</h5>
<h2>New Member Benefit: Custom Contract Review with Resolve</h2>
<p>In a recent WSMA member survey, when asked what tangible actions the WSMA could take to better support employed physicians, a majority of respondents (62%) noted they would appreciate help with reviewing physician employment contracts. Help is now available through a new collaboration with a physician-focused contract review organization called <a href=";utm_source=website&amp;utm_medium=partner-page">Resolve</a>.</p>
<p>Resolve's team of experts are now ready to assist WSMA members with their employment contract reviews. Whether you are signing your first employment contract or renegotiating a current one, their team ensures your terms are fair. And as a WSMA member, you receive a 10% discount on Resolve's services.</p>
<h3>How Resolve works for you</h3>
<p>By engaging with Resolve, you'll be connected with a specialized attorney who will take your priorities into account, review your contract in full, make suggestions, and even negotiate on your behalf. Detailed compensation data unique to your specialty and location is also provided, so you always know what you should be earning. With the right data, insights, and expertise, Resolve ensures your contract is written fairly and you are earning the compensation you deserve. Our partners at Resolve note that contracts they review and negotiate typically see an average of $24,000 in increased compensation.</p>
<h3>A well-vetted service</h3>
<p>Resolve is a trusted resource for the physician community, currently partnering with state medical associations in Nebraska, Oregon, New York, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Florida, as well as national specialty societies such as the American College of Surgeons, American College of Radiology, American Academy of Otolaryngology, American College of Emergency Physicians, American College of Physicians, and American Academy of Family Physicians.</p>
<h3>Get started</h3>
<p>To get started, go to <a href=";utm_source=website&amp;utm_medium=partner-page">the Resolve website</a> and use code WSMA10 at checkout to receive your member discount.</p>
</div> | 9/13/2024 12:00:00 AM | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
proposed-policy-resolutions-now-available-online-for-member-feedback | Proposed Policy Resolutions Now Available Online for Member Feedback | Early career | Shared_Content/News/Membership_Memo/2024/september-13/proposed-policy-resolutions-now-available-online-for-member-feedback | <div class="col-md-12">
<div class="col-sm-5 pull-right" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/Newsletters/MembershipMemo/2024/september/multicolor-word-bubbles-645x425px.png" class="pull-right" alt="multicolor word bubble over silhouettes" /></div>
<h5>Sept. 13, 2024</h5>
<h2>Proposed Policy Resolutions Now Available Online for Member Feedback </h2>
<p>Policymaking is at the heart of the annual meeting of the WSMA House of Delegates, and to help inform the debates around good health care policy, the expertise and experience of WSMA members is highly valued. To help our members participate in the policymaking process, particularly those who may not be able to attend the meeting in person, the WSMA offers secure, members-only virtual reference committees, where you can review and discuss the resolutions that will be considered at the 2024 WSMA Annual Meeting, Sept. 28-29 in Spokane.</p>
<p>More than 40 resolutions are now available for member feedback in the virtual reference committees ahead of the WSMA Annual Meeting. Please consider reviewing and providing your perspective and subject-matter expertise in the days ahead. The deadline for commenting in the virtual reference committees is midnight on Tuesday, Sept. 24. Testimony provided in the virtual reference committees is given equal weight to that of in-person testimony and helps to streamline the discussions at the Annual Meeting.</p>
<h3>Resolutions now available for member feedback</h3>
<p>Resolutions currently available for comment include:</p>
<p>B-1: Public Health Advisory Board Resolution</p>
<p>B-2: Directing WSMA to Advocate for a Reduced Volume of Prior Authorizations</p>
<p>B-3: Improving Sexual Health in Washington State</p>
<p>B-4: Increasing Harm Reduction Education and Resources</p>
<p>B-5: Inactive Counties Section to the House of Delegates</p>
<p>B-6: Liability Protections and Mentorship Program for Physicians</p>
<p>B-7: Maintaining Medicaid Reimbursement for Audio-Only Telehealth Visits</p>
<p>B-8: Health Risks of Micro and Nano Plastics</p>
<p>B-9: Ensuring Effective Collaboration Between WSMA and County Medical Societies</p>
<p>B-10: Training Primary Care Physicians in Prescribing Medications for Psychiatric Conditions</p>
<p>B-11: Adolescent Screening for Unhealthy Social Media Use in the Health Care Setting</p>
<p>B-12: Removing Prior Authorization from the Buprenorphine Monoproduct</p>
<p>B-13: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Standing Committee</p>
<p>B-14: Supporting Physician Use of AI in Practice Settings</p>
<p>B-15: Expanding Payment for Visit Complexity for Office/Other Outpatient Services to Commercial Payers</p>
<p>B-16: Advancing Access to Health Savings Accounts for All Americans</p>
<p>B-17: Reporting of Health Care Access Metrics</p>
<p>B-18: Enhancing Public Safety Through Standardized Placement and Expanded Access of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in Public Spaces</p>
<p>B-19: Ensuring Regular Updates to Originating County Societies on the Status of Submitted Resolutions</p>
<p>B-20: Reinforce and Clarify Residency and Practice Requirements for WSMA Board of Trustees</p>
<p>C-1: Supporting Access to Contraception Without Prior Authorization</p>
<p>C-2: Creating a Digital Repository for Sterilization and Hysterectomy Consents</p>
<p>C-3: Diaper Product Access and Retail Tax Exemption</p>
<p>C-4: Expanding Medicaid Coverage to Include Air Purifiers or Air Cleaners in Washington State for Individuals with Asthma</p>
<p>C-5: Urging Washington State Department of Transportation to Complete Full AMTRAK CASCADES Infrastructure Plan</p>
<p>C-6: Making Education on Firearm Injury Prevention a Standard Part of the Health Curriculum for Washington State High School Students</p>
<p>C-7: Hospital Pricing and Ensuring Equitable Distribution of Health Care Funds</p>
<p>C-8: Establishing the Washington State Commission on Boys and Men</p>
<p>C-9: Continuous Glucose Monitoring for People with Diabetes</p>
<p>C-10: Regarding Reducing Climate Impacts of Anesthesia</p>
<p>C-11: Maintaining Training Requirements for Coroners and Medical Examiners in Counties Under 40,000 Population</p>
<p>C-12: Support for Legislation that Improves Health via Implementation of a Tax on Extreme Wealth</p>
<p>C-13: Washington State Return-to-Service Loan Repayment</p>
<p>C-14: Washington State Senior Medical Corp</p>
<p>C-15: Washington State Single Source Credentialing</p>
<p>C-16: Support for the Health Engagement Hub Model of Addiction Treatment</p>
<p>C-17: Reforming the Prior Authorization Processes</p>
<p>C-18: Addressing Health Disparities in Maternal and Infant Mortality</p>
<p>C-19: Legal Immunity to Physicians for Good Faith Reporting of Impaired Drivers</p>
<p>C-20: Enhancing and Expanding Financial Support for Medical Education in Washington State</p>
<p>C-21: Enhancing Awareness and Access to the Washington State Child Tax Credit</p>
<p>C-22: Advocacy for Extending Medicaid Coverage and Increasing Funding for Postpartum Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment</p>
<p>C-23: Support for Improving Maternal Health Outcomes and Extended Postdelivery Hospital Care for Birthing People with Substance Use Disorder</p>
<h3>Accessing the virtual reference committees</h3>
<p>If you haven't yet joined the virtual reference committees, you can <a href="[@]wsma/events/annual_meeting/virtual-reference-committees/wsma/events/annual_meeting/virtual-reference-committees.aspx?hkey=e30c0e9a-efb8-4160-821e-fa2485cc6bdd">learn how to do so on the WSMA website</a>.</p>
<h3>Delegate handbook now available</h3>
<p>The WSMA delegate handbook is now available for download from the <a href="[@]wsma/events/annual_meeting/wsma/events/annual_meeting/annual_meeting.aspx?hkey=fea49254-3815-4dc9-8710-53ff2e3a100f">WSMA Annual Meeting webpage</a>. The delegate handbook contains reports on issues and programs implemented or recommended by the WSMA board of trustees and executive committee and resolutions submitted by individual delegates or delegations.</p>
<h3>How the House of Delegates works</h3>
<p>All legislative power of the WSMA is vested in the voting members of the WSMA House of Delegates. Learn more about the <a href="[@]wsma/about/who_we_are/house-of-delegates.aspx?&amp;WebsiteKey=c182ff6d-1438-4899-abc5-614681b54927&amp;hkey=c5e98d40-6e37-4bc0-9bda-a7aa66e67919">House of Delegates and how it makes policy for the WSMA</a>.</p>
<h3>Register for the 2024 WSMA Annual Meeting</h3>
<p>If you're planning on attending the meeting and haven't yet registered, <a href="[@]wsma/events/annual_meeting/wsma/events/annual_meeting/annual_meeting.aspx?hkey=fea49254-3815-4dc9-8710-53ff2e3a100f">do so today</a>-it's free for WSMA members. Rooms can be booked at the Historic Davenport or the Davenport Towers across the street. Room rates vary and can be booked online <a href="">here</a>.</p>
</div> | 9/13/2024 12:00:00 AM | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |