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Physician Practice

Laboratory Services

The WSMA believes that a physician should not misrepresent the laboratory services performed and supervised by a non-physician as the physician's professional services. The professional relationship between the laboratory and the physician should be clear and not misleading. (Reaffirmed A-23)

The WSMA believes it is unethical for two or more physicians to secretly split or share the fees that have been given by a patient supposedly as reimbursement for the service of one person alone. When it is more practical for the physician to include the laboratory charge in their own statement, the physician's bill to the patient should indicate the charges apart from the charges for their own professional services. (JC 8.08-87) (Amended A-23)

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Abbreviations for House of Delegates report origination:

EC – Executive Committee; BT – Board of Trustees; CPA – Council on Professional Affairs; JC – Judicial Council; CHS – Community and Health Services

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