The WSMA is resolved to work with the AMA and local Medicare carriers to
implement Medicare rules and regulations in a fair and objective manner,
not jeopardizing good patient care, or compromising the due process rights
of physicians. (PA Rpt C, '89; Res C-7, A-16) (Reaffirmed A-23)
The WSMA supports working through the AMA and state congressional
delegations to amend the Medicare laws and regulations so that Medicare
would be required to use the same standards and apply the same penalties
to all physicians, regardless of participation or non-participation
status. (PA Rpt C, '89; Res C-7, A-16) (Reaffirmed A-23)
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Abbreviations for House of Delegates report origination:
EC – Executive Committee; BT – Board of Trustees; CPA – Council on
Professional Affairs; JC – Judicial Council; CHS – Community and Health