Prior authorization
Learn more on our dedicated webpage.
Physician credentialing
Learn more on our dedicated webpage.
Prescription monitoring program
In partnership with the WSHA, we brought forth successful legislation making it easier for groups of physicians to use the state’s prescription monitoring program and increasing incentives to boost participation. As a result:
- The Department of Health is on track to make the state’s prescription monitoring program accessible to prescribers without a DEA license who prescribe legend drugs, extending access to this valuable prescribing data to approximately 14,000 additional providers.
- The legislation authorizes clinics and facilities with five or more prescribing providers to register with the program on behalf of individual providers.
- Interim measures currently allow facilities and clinics to send requests using the license of a medical director with an active Prescription Review account.
In our comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services regarding its proposed rule on MACRA (the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015), the WSMA urged CMS to give priority weight to all physician use of state prescription drug monitoring programs when calculating scores for the new Merit-Based Incentive Payment System, to increase financial incentives for physicians to use these important programs.
Smooth workflow
Workflows of clinics and facilities that use medical assistants to retrieve medication were at risk, due to a misinterpretation of language in the MA scope-of-practice statute. During the 2016 legislative session, we focused on minimizing unnecessary interruptions in practice operations. As a result:
- Beginning June 1, 2016, the “administering” of a drug, including both retrieval and application of medication, by a medical assistant, is now in statute—meaning groups that use medical assistants to retrieve medication can retain their current workflows.
Mental health paperwork reduction
In 2017, the WSMA successfully supported House Bill 1819, requiring the Department of Social and Health Services to immediately review its behavioral health services documentation and paperwork requirements and eliminate duplication and inefficiencies, and, by April 2018, provide agencies a single set of streamlined regulations covering mental health, substance use disorder and co-occurring disorder treatments for children. The legislation provides administrative relief to physicians, removing barriers that prevent timely access to mental health services for children.
Disability parking permits
During the 2017 legislative session, the WSMA successfully supported House Bill 1515, increasing the number of ways health care practitioners can authorize disability parking permits. Legislation from 2014 had required health care practitioners authorizing disabled parking permits to use a prescription pad or paper. HB 1515, brought to legislators by the WSMA, modernizes the statute and eases administrative burden by allowing for authorization of parking permits on office letterhead or by electronic means. The Department of Licensing will establish rules governing electronic authorization.