ceo-rounds-jan-24-2025-a-successful-and-standing-room-only-wsma-advocacy-day | CEO Rounds: Jan. 24, 2025 - A Successful (and Standing Room Only) WSMA Advocacy Day | Leadership | Shared_Content/News/ceo-rounds/2025/ceo-rounds-jan-24-2025-a-successful-and-standing-room-only-wsma-advocacy-day | <div class="col-md-12">
<div class="col-sm-5 pull-right" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/Newsletters/Weekly%20Rounds/ceo-rounds-article-graphic-2024-645x425px.png" class="pull-right" alt="CEO Rounds graphic" /></div>
<h5>January 24, 2025</h5>
<h2>A Successful (and Standing Room Only) WSMA Advocacy Day</h2>
<p>Jennifer Hanscom, CEO</p>
One week after the legislative session began, the WSMA held its annual Legislative Summit with record attendance. WSMA members heard from the state's new insurance commissioner, Patty Kuderer; chair of the Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee, Sen. Annette Cleveland; lead sponsor of House Bill 1392 (our Medicaid Access Program bill) Rep. Nicole Macri; and chair of the House Health Care and Wellness Committee, Rep. Dan Bronoske, as well as Gov. Bob Ferguson's deputy policy director, David Frockt, and health policy lead, Caitlin Safford.
While more than 1,000 bills have been introduced since the start of session, at the Summit WSMA members focused their attention on:
<li><a href=";_zl=jup2A">The Medicaid Access Program</a>: On the eve of the Summit, <a href=";Year=2025&amp;Initiative=false">House Bill 1392</a> and <a href=";Year=2025&amp;Initiative=false">Senate Bill 5372</a> were introduced, both of which advance a covered lives assessment to allow the state to maximize the use of federal funds to promote access to care for Medicaid enrollees by increasing reimbursement rates. Special thanks to Vivienne Meljen, MD, and Judy Kimelman, MD, who penned a recent op-ed on the topic in The Seattle Times: <a href="">Who will deliver for WA's mothers and children?</a></li>
<li>Practice viability: With the state facing a severe budget shortfall, WSMA members were encouraged to share with legislators how declining reimbursements and rising expenses were challenging their ability to provide care to their patients and communities. Members shared how increased taxes, caps on reimbursement, and limitations on the ability to enter into partnerships could further hamper a practice's ability to keep its doors open.</li>
<li>Scope of practice: An evergreen issue in Olympia, WSMA members were united in noting concerns on proposals to expand scope that do not account for necessary education and training requirements to ensure the medical judgment needed in providing whole-person care.</li>
For those of you who were unable to attend the meeting, you can get up to speed by watching our pre-session advocacy webinar on our <a href="[@]wsma/advocacy/legislative___regulatory/Legislative%20Activities/wsma/advocacy/legislative_regulatory/legislative-activities.aspx?hkey=231ee068-da1d-49ae-b5bc-01a857b21a9b&amp;_zs=B3aFd1&amp;_zl=nup2A">Legislative Activities</a> webpage.
Our team will continue to keep you informed via our bimonthly Advocacy Report newsletter as well as updates posted on our website. Should you have questions about particular bills and public hearings, please contact <a href="">Sean Graham</a>.
<h3>AMPAC Candidate Workshop</h3>
If you met with your legislator and thought "Hey, I can do this," you might want to check out the 2025 AMPAC Candidate Workshop offered March 28 and 29. Whether you want to help get someone elected or get elected yourself, learn how to run a winning political campaign by attending the AMPAC Candidate Workshop, held annually at the American Medical Association office in Washington, D.C. And new this year: To help encourage physician public service in elected office, the WSMA Foundation will be offering a scholarship to a WSMA member to attend the workshop. Learn more <a href="[@]Shared_Content/News/advocacy-report/2025/january-17/2025-ampac-candidate-workshop-returns-in-person-march-28-30?_zs=B3aFd1&amp;_zl=oup2A">on the WSMA website</a>.
<h3>WSMA Leadership Development Conference</h3>
If you are looking for an opportunity to engage in the work of the WSMA and network with your colleagues from around the state, please plan to join us at our next event, our annual <a href="[@]wsma/events/leadership_development_conference/wsma/events/ldc/leadership_development_conference.aspx?hkey=c7532c38-057a-4568-8a3c-078182469222&amp;_zs=B3aFd1&amp;_zl=pup2A">Leadership Development Conference</a>. This year's conference will be held May 16-17 in Chelan. Topics will include:
<li>Leading Out of Burnout: Redesigning the Way You Work</li>
<li>Leading Adaptively</li>
<li>Being an Effective Advocate</li>
<li>Implementing Wellness Best Practices Into Your Organization</li>
<li>Implementing DEI Effectively Into Your Organization</li>
The full conference agenda and registration are available online on our <a href="[@]wsma/events/leadership_development_conference/wsma/events/ldc/leadership_development_conference.aspx?hkey=c7532c38-057a-4568-8a3c-078182469222&amp;_zs=B3aFd1&amp;_zl=pup2A">Leadership Development Conference webpage</a>.
Remember the WSMA has a variety of ways to engage in our work, from our in-person meetings and committee work, to our newsletter, podcast channel, and on-demand webinars. Please check out all that we have to offer on the <a href=";_zl=qup2A">WSMA website</a>.
</div> | 1/24/2025 12:00:00 AM | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
get_started_on_a_leadership_track_with_the_physician_leadership_course | Get Started on a Leadership Track with the Physician Leadership Course | Leadership | Shared_Content/News/Membership_Memo/2025/january-10/get_started_on_a_leadership_track_with_the_physician_leadership_course | <div class="col-md-12">
<div class="col-sm-5 pull-right" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/Newsletters/MembershipMemo/2025/january/Smiling-Docs-645x425px.jpg" class="pull-right" alt="Physician leaders" /></div>
<h5>January 10, 2025</h5>
<h2>Get Started on a Leadership Track with the Physician Leadership Course</h2>
<p>Led by renowned instructor Ed Walker, MD, the WSMA Physician Leadership Course is a skills-development course for physicians and physician assistants who want to know more about health care leadership and develop core leadership competencies to strengthen resilience and achieve greater workflow efficiency.</p>
<p>The course combines face-to-face and online learning to enable participants to begin developing and honing their leadership skills at their convenience. Designed with a physician's busy schedule in mind, only three in-person classes are required; the remainder of the course is conducted online.&nbsp;</p>
<p>The first WSMA Physician Leadership Course of 2025 will be held Mar. 21–May 30, 2025. The first two in-person sessions will be held Friday and Saturday, Mar. 21 and 22 in person at the Financial Center Metropolitan Tract in Seattle. Course participants will then have 11 weeks of online instruction and interaction, finishing with a final in-person session on Friday, May 30, also in Seattle.</p>
<p>For a full course curriculum, information on CME and MOC credits, visit the <a href=";WebsiteKey=c182ff6d-1438-4899-abc5-614681b54927">course webpage</a>. The deadline for registration is Feb. 21.&nbsp;<a href="">Get started on your leadership journey and enroll today</a>.</p>
<p><em>Learn more about the course from Dr. Walker and hear what Physician Leadership Course graduates have to say about growing their leadership skills to drive positive change in health care in this </em><a href=""><em>brief five-minute video</em></a><em>.</em></p>
<h3>Other 2025 course dates</h3>
<p>To make sure we’re reaching as many physicians and physician assistants as possible with our cornerstone leadership development education, in 2025, we’re offering two additional options for our Physician Leadership Course: a second hybrid-format course in the fall and an all-virtual course in the fall.</p>
<li>Physician Leadership Course (fall): Sept. 12–Nov. 21, 2025</li>
<li>Physician Leadership Course (fall – virtual): Oct. 3–Dec. 12, 2025</li>
<p>Visit the <a href="">Physician Leadership Course webpage</a> and register for the schedule and format that fit your needs.</p>
<p>These activities have been approved for <em>AMA PRA Category 1 Credit</em>â„¢.</p>
</div> | 1/10/2025 12:00:00 AM | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |
ceo-rounds-dec-27-2024-invest-in-access-to-care-for-patients | CEO Rounds: Dec. 27, 2024 - Invest in Access to Care for Patients | Leadership | Shared_Content/News/ceo-rounds/2024/ceo-rounds-dec-27-2024-invest-in-access-to-care-for-patients | <div class="col-md-12">
<div class="col-sm-5 pull-right" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/Newsletters/Weekly%20Rounds/ceo-rounds-article-graphic-2024-645x425px.png" class="pull-right" alt="CEO Rounds graphic" /></div>
<h5>December 27, 2024</h5>
<h2>'Invest in Access to Care for Patients:' Our Drumbeat Message in Light of Breaking Updates Unfavorable to Physicians</h2>
<p>Jennifer Hanscom, CEO</p>
As we enjoy the glow of another Christmas past and chill the champagne for a new year, it's a great time to reflect as well as to look ahead.
In reflecting on last year, we are grateful-as always-for you and your membership in the WSMA. We count it a privilege to serve and support physicians of all stripes, from employed to independent practice, from urban to rural, from student to retired, and ranging across all specialties. With your membership, we are proud to be the largest physician professional organization in the state, having crossed a milestone threshold of more than 13,000 members in 2024.
In looking ahead, we have plenty of work to do in the new year. At the federal level, we closed out 2024 with Congress failing to act on Medicare, specifically failing to avert the 2.8% cut in Medicare physician payments that will start on Jan. 1, 2025. (Note: <a href="">Physicians have until Dec. 31, 2024 to decide if they want to continue to participate in the Medicare program in the coming year</a>.)
On the positive side, the final health care package included funding for an extension of pandemic-era telehealth flexibilities under Medicare that permit the delivery of certain virtual services to patients located in their homes. The extension, however, is only until March.
You can read more about the final package in <a href="">this update from the American Medical Association</a>. The final bill signed into law by President Biden on Saturday, Dec. 21, can be found here: <a href="">H.R.10545: American Relief Act, 2025</a>. We are disappointed that Congress failed to take action on the physician fee schedule and remain committed to advocating that it be addressed in the new year. Please stay tuned for more advocacy opportunities in 2025.
In Washington state, more clarity was offered this month on how some in leadership plan to address the state's massive budget hole (projected to be at least $12 billion). In his last act as governor, Jay Inslee released a budget package that relies on <a href="">tax increases from the establishment of a wealth tax and an increase to the B&amp;O (business and occupation) tax</a>. How Governor-Elect Bob Ferguson orients to the proposal remains to be seen.
In the meantime, the WSMA continues to be a voice for physicians and their patients as we liaison with the governor-elect's transition team. Our message in those discussions remains consistent: We must continue to invest in access to care for patients.
We will have a legislative session preview webinar with Q&amp;A that will provide an overview of our 2025 advocacy agenda on Jan. 10 at noon-all are welcome to <a href="[@]wsma/events/upcoming-webinars/wsma/education/upcoming_webinars/Upcoming_Webinars.aspx?hkey=57af0f94-aa3b-4473-b22d-8f09981ccacb&amp;_zs=B3aFd1&amp;_zl=2Rk0A">join the lunchtime session</a>. In addition, WSMA's annual advocacy day for physicians and physician assistants, the Legislative Summit, is Jan. 22. More details and registration can be found <a href="[@]wsma/events/legislative_summit/wsma/events/wsma_legislative_summit/legislative_summit.aspx?hkey=795731a5-79ba-45b0-b78b-b9dfbfc336e5&amp;_zs=B3aFd1&amp;_zl=3Rk0A">here</a>. I hope you can join us in Olympia for this direct advocacy event.
In addition to advocating for better payment and improved access to care at both the federal and state level, the WSMA also represents the profession and your patients in the courts.
Over the course of several years and many hours of negotiations, the WSMA worked at the state and federal level to help shape balance billing laws that protected patients from bills they didn't expect while also seeking to ensure that physicians were adequately reimbursed for care they delivered. The laws are now in place, but the federal balance billing system isn't working as intended due to how the dispute resolution system has been implemented by regulators and taken advantage of by insurance carriers.
Many physician groups continue to experience delays with the independent dispute resolution system under the federal No Surprises Act, which was intended to make determinations on appropriate payment in circumstances where there isn't a contract in place between a physician and an insurance carrier. And maddeningly, even when IDR determinations are made, <a href="">in some cases insurance carriers are delaying or denying payment to physicians</a>. To make matters worse, <a href="">a recent district court ruling found that IDR determinations are unenforceable</a>, meaning that physicians may not have legal recourse in those situations.
<a href="">Congressional legislation has recently been proposed</a> to remedy the situation and make it clear that insurance carriers have an obligation to pay their debts as directed by IDR, but we can't wait for an act of Congress for physicians to be paid. The WSMA has been in discussions with the AMA about potential class action lawsuits that could be brought against insurance carriers in Washington and other states to seek legal remedy-and payment-for this unacceptable situation. If you or your practice has been put in the circumstance of going through IDR only to see delayed or denied payment and you want to participate in this legal action, please <a href="">email me</a>.
And as the year draws to a close and you consider your year-end tax-deductible giving, I hope you will put the <a href="[@]Shared_Content/News/thrive/2024/change-tomorrow-by-giving-today?_zs=HL9Ae1&amp;_zl=d9jx9">WSMA Scholarship Diversity and Advancement Fund</a> on your list. By donating to this scholarship endowment, you are not only supporting medical students at Washington's medical schools who are underrepresented in medicine, you'll also be contributing to a lasting legacy that lives on in tomorrow's physicians.
Thanks for all you do and happy new year!
</div> | 12/27/2024 12:00:00 AM | 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM |