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Health Equity M&M Webinar Series
Edwin Lindo, JD
Providing a framework for recognizing and examining our own biases.

Health Equity M&M Webinar Series

The WSMA and WSMA Foundation invite you to join your colleagues for our popular Health Equity M&M Webinar Series. Think “morbidity and mortality,” but with a focus on health equity. Free for WSMA members and offering CME credit, this webinar series is held on the second Friday of even-numbered months at noon.

These Health Equity M&M discussions provide a framework for recognizing and examining our own biases and identifying the ways systemic racism exists in our organizations. You’ll have new tools to think critically and identify when to advocate for your patients from historically marginalized communities, ensuring they receive the highest quality clinical care. The Health Equity M&M discussions serve as one of many mechanisms to address forms of systemic marginalization of patients. During each webinar, Edwin Lindo, JD, facilitates case-based discussions.

Professor Lindo is the assistant dean of social and health justice in the Office of Healthcare Equity, an associate teaching professor in the department of family medicine, and an adjunct associate teaching professor in the department of bioethics and humanities at the University of Washington School of Medicine. He teaches, presents, and writes on issues of race and racism within the field of medicine and greater society. He is internationally recognized as a conscious voice for racial and social justice.

This series fosters a space conducive to building a community of professionals focused on achieving health equity, allowing for discussions of charged but necessary topics. Each webinar is protected under WSMA's CQIP as recognized by the Washington State Department of Health and pursuant to RCW 70.225.040. By registering, you agree to maintain the confidentiality of the cases discussed pursuant to RCW 43.70.510, RCW 70.41.200, and RCW 4.24.250.

Patient Case Submission

WSMA members are encouraged to submit a patient case to discuss at an upcoming session. The WSMA has created an online case submission form for you to share information regarding a specific case. If you would like to speak with the webinar's facilitator directly, please email Kendra Peterson at Verbal submission of cases is the safest approach to preserving the confidentiality of the information. Rest assured that for both methods, your case submission is CQIP and HIPAA compliant.

This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.

2024 Health Equity M&M Webinar Series Dates

The hour-long sessions begin at noon Pacific time (U.S. and Canada).

  • Feb. 9
  • April 12
  • June 14
  • Aug. 9
  • Oct. 11
  • Dec. 20


Visit our Upcoming Webinars page to register.

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