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House of Delegates
WSMA House of Delegates
All legislative power of the WSMA is vested in the approximately 175 voting members of the WSMA House of Delegates.

House of Delegates

All legislative power of the WSMA is vested in the voting members of the WSMA House of Delegates. For the compendium of all policies passed by the House of Delegates, visit our What’s Our Policy? page.

Official Actions of the 2023 House of Delegates

For updates on policies adopted at the 2023 WSMA Annual Meeting, download the monthly status report of the Official Actions of the 2023 WSMA Houseof Delegates (updated August 2024).

For previous years' reports, contact the WSMA Seattle office at or 206.441.9762.

About the House of Delegates

The WSMA House of Delegates comprises elected delegates from each county medical society, qualified state specialty societies, and members of the WSMA board of trustees. There is one young physician delegate, one resident delegate, and three student delegates (one from each of the three medical schools in Washington state). Each county society has one delegate for every 50 active WSMA members.

Each medical specialty society is entitled to elect or appoint one delegate and one alternate, provided that such specialty society has as members at least 100 active members of the WSMA, or if the specialty society has fewer than 100 members, 50% of its members must belong to the WSMA.

How the House of Delegates Operates

The WSMA House of Delegates meets once a year, typically in September or October (learn more about the Annual Meeting of the WSMA House of Delegates). The House may also be called into special session at any time by the WSMA president on the written request of 15 members of the House.

All business of the House is conducted according to parliamentary procedures as outlined in "The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure."

WSMA Governance Outside of the Annual House of Delegates Meeting

When the House of Delegates is not in session, the WSMA is governed by the board of trustees. The board meets quarterly and is responsible for carrying out the mandates and policies of the House. The board has all the powers of the House except amending the bylaws or establishing dues or assessments.

From the board of trustees, the WSMA president, president-elect, vice president, immediate past president, and secretary-treasurer form the executive committee. The committee meets monthly and acts for the board in implementing WSMA programs and establishing interim policy.

The WSMA president is the spokesperson for the association.

How to Serve as a WSMA Delegate

If you are interested in serving as a delegate, contact your county medical society or state specialty society. If you are unsure who to contact, email WSMA staff at

Delegate Duties

Delegates are expected to be available for one year of service from the beginning of the House of Delegates meeting until the House of Delegates meeting the following year. Delegates shall be available to provide input and information and guidance to the board of trustees and executive committee as they administer and interpret policy set by the House of Delegates, and as they make policy decisions when the House of Delegates is not in session.

To fulfill your responsibilities as a delegate:

  1. Be familiar with the WSMA. The WSMA priorities for the year are available from the Seattle office. Read WSMA Reports and the Membership Memo.
  2. Review the official actions of the previous House of Delegates and the WSMA bylaws (included in the delegate handbook).
  3. Alert your colleagues that you are a delegate to the WSMA. Seek their comments and recommendations on WSMA programs and policies.
  4. Communicate your society’s or your individual recommendations for the establishment of WSMA policies or programs through the introduction of a resolution.
  5. Be thoroughly familiar with the reports and resolutions contained in the delegate handbook.
  6. Work with your delegation. Divide reference committee responsibilities so your members are represented in the deliberations of each of the reference committees. Encourage all members to attend and participate in reference committee hearings.
  7. Take action! If you have an issue or concern, write the president, call the CEO, introduce a resolution, or volunteer for a WSMA committee.
  8. Review the WSMA Policy Compendium to learn about existing policies.

Current County, Specialty, and Section Delegate and Alternate List

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of 2 
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Expand CollapseDelegate TypeGroupDelegates Allowed
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of 2 
Show all 62
COUNTYAsotin County1
COUNTYBenton-Franklin County 2
COUNTYChelan-Douglas County7
COUNTYClallam County1
COUNTYClark County12
COUNTYCowlitz-Wahkiakum County2
COUNTYGrant-Adams County1
COUNTYGrays Harbor County1
COUNTYJefferson County1
COUNTYKing County54
COUNTYKitsap County6
COUNTYKittitas County1
COUNTYKlickitat-Skamania County1
COUNTYLewis County1
COUNTYLincoln County0
COUNTYNorthEast Tri-Counties1
COUNTYNorthwest Washington Medical Society7
COUNTYOkanogan County1
COUNTYPacific County 1
COUNTYPierce County18
COUNTYSkagit-Island County2
COUNTYSnohomish County12
COUNTYSpokane County14
COUNTYThurston-Mason County6
COUNTYWalla Walla County1
COUNTYWhitman County1
COUNTYYakima County2
SPECIALTYAmerican College of Surgeons, Washington State Chapter1
SPECIALTYInfectious Diseases Society of Washington1
SPECIALTYMedical Student Section3
SPECIALTYNorthwest Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery1
SPECIALTYNorthwest Association of Occupational & Environmental Med1
SPECIALTYPacific Northwest Gastroenterology Society1
SPECIALTYResident & Fellow Section1
SPECIALTYWashington Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons1
SPECIALTYWashington Academy of Family Physicians1
SPECIALTYWashington Association of Neurological Surgeons1
SPECIALTYWashington Chapter, American College of Cardiology1
SPECIALTYWashington Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians1
SPECIALTYWashington Chapter, American College of Physicians1

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