May 10, 2024
2024 WSMA Annual Meeting: How to Propose Policy or Serve as a Delegate, Deadlines, and More
Mark your calendars: The 2024 Annual Meeting of the WSMA House of Delegates will take place Sept. 28-29 at The Historic Davenport in Spokane. This yearly conference is WSMA's primary policymaking and networking event, when our approximately 175 voting delegates gather to elect new officers and consider new policy for the association. The WSMA Annual Meeting is open to all and is free for members, and registration will be announced shortly. For now, WSMA members wishing to engage in the policymaking opportunities offered at the meeting or for those interested in serving as a delegate at the meeting, here's what you need to know in anticipation of the event.
How to serve as a WSMA delegate
Delegates are expected to be available for one year of service from the beginning of the House of Delegates meeting until the House of Delegates meeting the following year. Delegates are expected to:
- Be familiar with the WSMA.
- Review the official actions of the previous House of Delegates and the WSMA policy compendium (included in the delegate handbook, distributed prior to the Annual Meeting).
- Seek feedback on WSMA programs and policies.
- Communicate your society's or your individual recommendations for the establishment of WSMA policies or programs through the introduction of a resolution.
- Be thoroughly familiar with the reports and resolutions contained in the delegate handbook.
- Work with your delegation.
If you are interested in serving as a delegate representing your county or specialty, contact your county medical society or state specialty society. If you are unsure who to contact, email the WSMA policy department at Learn more about service as a delegate by visiting House of Delegates on the WSMA website.
How to propose policy
As a WSMA member, you can help guide the direction of the association and raise awareness of issues of importance to the practice of medicine in Washington by authoring a resolution-a proposal asking the WSMA to take a position or act on an issue.
For a brief primer on resolutions, watch this five-minute video. If you think you may want to submit a resolution for consideration by the House, it's important to follow these first steps:
- Check for existing policy.
- Check for health equity impact.
- Discuss with other WSMA members.
For guidance on each step, visit How to Write a Resolution on the WSMA website. After taking these initial steps, you must follow these requirements:
- Organize your proposal into the required resolution format. For details on how to format your proposal using the five basic elements of a resolution, review our detailed instructions. A template is provided.
- Identify sponsors. Resolutions must be submitted in writing and sponsored by at least two WSMA delegates, alternate delegates, or members of the board of trustees.
WSMA members are encouraged to work with their specialty society or their local county society to discuss the merits of the resolution and to identify sponsors. The WSMA can also work with you to develop your resolution idea and find a sponsor. Contact us at or 206.441.9762 for assistance. Resolutions must be submitted to the WSMA at for review by the relevant deadlines (below).
Join the community forum dedicated to discussing WSMA policy
To help hone your resolution idea or to engage with other highly engaged and policy-focused WSMA members, including the WSMA House of Delegates, join our new WSMA Virtual Reference Committees and Policy Community, one of our new private, secure, and convenient online communities. Accessible using email, website, or mobile app, the discussion forum allows you to post and share resources, connect one-on-one via private chat, see member profiles, and receive updates tailored to your specifications. Request to join the WSMA Virtual Reference Committees and Policy Community.
Important 2024 WSMA Annual Meeting deadlines
- Aug. 9: Reports and resolutions due for inclusion in the delegate handbook.
- Aug. 28: Deadline to make room reservations at The Historic Davenport in Spokane.
- Aug. 29: Final deadline for reports and resolutions. Resolutions received after this date must have the consent of two-thirds of the House of Delegates at the opening session in order to be considered.
- Sept. 6: Delegate handbook will be available for download.
- Sept. 28-29: 2024 WSMA Annual Meeting.
More information
Should you have additional questions on the meeting or resolution drafting, please contact the WSMA policy department at